Italian version

Welcome to the portal

The site offers photographs, itineraries, weather, news and more on the Gran Sasso d'Italia.

You'll discover places and beautiful scenery, the wild and unspoiled beauty.

The Gran Sasso d'Italia is a real mountain, with an impressive geographical extent.

The portal would to help in the understanding and knowledge of this immense territory.

Photo Gallery updated constantly, also need your contribution! Visit the Upload section where you can send your photos that relate to the Gran Sasso. Is also active a forum, where you can write and talk about your experiences with us all. .


"...A mano a mano che salivamo, se ci guardavamo indietro, la nostra vista si allargava sull'intiero altipiano e scopriva, in tutto il suo splendore, la mole grandiosa del Gran Sasso.

(Ignazio Silone, in La terra e la gente in Abruzzo ) "



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